Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Christmas With Cancer, cont'd.

December 10th

It is raining here and seeing as I have recently had the new car (2014 Cad CTS 3.6L Coupe, my pride and joy) washed I'll spend the day inside rather than do the commissary shopping on the Navy Base. I was also going to sneak in a little Christmas shopping - read gift cards - but I just don't want to get that baby dirty so soon after having it cleaned. The car wash was one of those automated ones that one often sees in the larger Shell/ Convenience stores and as I was going through the sound of the water spraying gave rise to the urge to void the old bladder in the middle of the process but as Sheldon Cooper might say "I was master of my own bladder" until the wash finished and I could get to the store for a pit stop. The cretin behind the counter thought that the whole thing was hilarious when I explained the post car wash rush. A pox on him, Christmas or no.

Nothing much new to report clinically other than the "road more traveled"  seems to be calming down a bit and the clotting seems to have subsided. I'm not taking any chances of a recurrences due to a bit of dinner wine although I am sorely tempted each evening. I am especially disappointed seeing as I have a six bottle shipment of some rather pricey Bordeaux wine arriving this weekend and won't be able to sample it for awhile. I'll give two as special pre - Christmas gifts and gaze longingly at the rest, waiting for a happier day.

The novel in progress: I have decided what to rework and will soon be happily pounding the keyboard of my ancient Dell/Windows Vista Home Edition desktop. I really should buy a laptop and thumb drive, transfer the important (to me) stuff over and give the desktop to my son Adam providing he would want it. I'm not an Apple guy at all as I can't muster the snobbery that is required of all Apple users, but then again I hung on to Betamax as long as possible before the arrival of the VHS onslaught.

I viewed the first six lectures of Prof. Bart Ehrman's course (UNC-Chapel Hill) on the New Testament yesterday. I may have to go back over Lecture #6 as I began whiplashing around the middle of the lecture. The man is as dull as watching someone get a haircut. His course focuses on the historical aspects of the twenty-seven books which I suppose that he is required to do as a University Distinguished Professor so there has been no mention of belief and faith but a lot of talk surrounding the time span between the death of Jesus and the appearance of the first four books as well as the inconsistencies between the temporal events of the books. I see no problem with any of this as the New Testament purports to be God's word through Jesus and it seems that we as mortals cannot transcribe these events in any accurate fashion. We can only interpret what we think it all means. The course is an interesting one however and maybe for the next lecture he'll can the attempts at humor and find a better way to deliver the subject matter.

One can only hope.

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